My favorite websites

These websites are important to me because they made me feel something, or maybe it’s because they are hidden gems that I want people to know more of. Making websites is something that everyone could do, but transmitting emotions through them is something special.

Indie websites

These websites are made by individuals that like to express themselves through their creations. Traveling through webrings I encountered some of them, but these are my favorite ones:

  • plasticdino: The rainbowy website of a girl who really like plastic dinosaurs. She also has a shrine with photos and images of them.


These websites don’t exist anymore and I miss them a lot. Their disappearance took away a precious piece of the internet and the least I can do is remembering them here.

  • プーペpoupéガールgirl: An online flash game where you had to dress a poupé (a living doll) differently every day. You could make a widget with your poupé and place it on your website or in your forum signature.


Work in progress. I’ll add more websites later.